
About Candidate

I am a registered general nurse with 10 years nursing experience in Zimbabwe and 1 year experience as a carer in UK .I served my 1 year contract as a carer and left the UK.Now in the process of registering with NMC (awaiting clearance from my Zimbabwe nursing board-almost out  )

As a nurse the roles included OUTPATIENT NURSE where we did triaging of patient conditions, accident and emergency management,wound dressings,catheter care,BP and diabetic checks and health education on different disease topics,carry out investigation and submit specimens to respective departments,MEDICAL NURSE admitting patients from the outpatient/casualty department and helping patients settle in, feeding patients,catheter care, medicine administration,collaborating with other departments like physiotherapy for patients with strikes etc ,carry out blood transfusions ,carry out further lab investigation per doctors order health educating admitted patients about their conditions and how they can be managed with medication and diet,SURGICAL NURSE -Admitting all surgical cases and acting swiftly according to the severity of condition or injury, cannula insertion,IV fluid monitoring, bleeding patients, catheter insertion,wound dressings and suturing,pre and post  operative care ,occupational nurse-pre and post medical examinations , treatment of occupational diseases and injuries and health education on prevention,